02 June 2007

Back in Maine

After two days of travel I'm back in Maine. I walked in African soil the entire way back, as we visited the beach before we left for the airport on Thursday, and I left the sand on my feet. Kinda cheesy, I know, but it was nice to take that little bit along back with me. It made for a great last day too, as we had some wonderful weather and plenty of time to take nice relaxing walks in the sand ... enjoying the blue skies once again.

I updated the last few posts with pictures, as I was unable to do that from the Internet Cafe in Cape Town. I think I started with Stellenbosch and worked forward, so take a look. I have a lot of pictures to process from the nicer camera Ryan let me take, so check back in a week or so. I'll probably post a bunch of pictures to Flickr, but I will put the link here so it's easy to find. Thanks for reading a long and leaving messages, this was a lot of fun for me :o)