28 August 2015


We saw baboons almost everywhere in Zimbabwe. In fact, it was the very first animal we saw. A giant one was crossing the road just after we left the airport. They all looked similar, though I don't know if they were, in fact, the same species. Despite more aggressive counterparts you see quite often in nature shows and on the interwebs, these baboons seemed quite gentle and playful. At no time did I detect any poo throwing ...

12 August 2015


The last 24 hours have been incredible. The cheetahs we saw Monday night had a successful hunt early Tuesday morning. We came across them with their wildabeast meal while looking for lions. The sights (and sounds) were intense yet even with blood dripping down their jaw, those cats were incredibly beautiful. 

Later on, we drove through the park and saw elephants absolutely everywhere we went. We checked back on the wildabeast, and all that was left was skin and bones. Vultures and jackels were all around. Raymond, our guide, said hyenas would come by at night and eat the bones. 

We started to head back to camp and were surprised by a dinner out on the veld. Fires were dotted around to keep curious animals at bay. We can hear elephants playing in the water at a near by watering whole. The meal, like everything we've had here, was delicious. We enjoyed a large bonfire, drinks, food, and the company of the wonderful staff at Camelthorn. 

Our plan today, Wednesday, is for an all day drive to get deeper into the park. Raymond wakes us early. Change of plans he says. He's heard the lions calling and wants to do a quick drive before breakfast to see if we can spot them. It's amazing to watch Raymond track as we drive. Zimbabwe guides have intense training that goes on for years. They pick up on the smallest signs. It seemed we may not find them again, but Raymond spots movement off in the distance. We've found them!

A pride of five is drinking from a watering hole early. It's still quite cold. They are so majestic. The older female is very intense looking. I expect she is an excellent hunter. We can't stay long, but we enjoy them for a bit, take some pictures and we are on our way. I can't imagine what the rest of the day will bring. 

10 August 2015

The Blind

In Hwange, there is a watering hole called The Blind. It's a shipping container, mostly buried in the ground, camouflaged on top, with a hatch, and viewing slates that are 20 ft away from a watering whole. Enjoy.

Camelthorn Lodge

We arrived at Camelthorn last night. Spent most of the day traveling but a lot of it was through parks so lots of great scenery. The drive into Camelthorn at Hwange was pretty bumpy. We were flying, assuming so that the driver could get back to the main road, which just about rattled our teeth out of our heads. 

This location is very beautiful, but in a much different way than Zambizi Sans. You are really out there. As you walk the path to our cabin you look out and there is the park. As you might have guessed from the elephant post this morning. Ther are guards to keep us safe though, so no worries. 

Today had been spectacular. Some large herds this morning. Cape buffalo and wildabeast. Some elephant and zebra as well. A secretary bird too. Really neat looking. Finally got a great shot of some Kudu too. They are so jumpy. I've been wanting a pic since my last visit. 

Wake Up Call

Woke up to two elephants just outside our door!! Needless to say we were a little late to breakfast. 

08 August 2015

Hungry Hungry a Hippo

Have been feeling under the weather today. My travel companions believe it's hydration, so I've been knocking back waters, getting rest, and patching myself up for the rest of the trip. 

The upside is I've been able to spend more time at this incredible lodge. I can't get over how beautiful it is. Right on the river. So quiet and peaceful. Will be difficult to leave for the next spot, which I believe is Hwage National Park. 

Dispite feeling rough today, I did make it out on the river for some fishing with Jamey. Jamey caught a Tiger Fish. We also saw a large number of Hippos on the banks. Usually they would go back into the water for safety, but they stayed out so we got a great look at them. 

07 August 2015

Zambezi Sands

At Zambizi National Park, with an incredible first day out seeing animals and the landscape. At this time of year the leaves have fallen from most trees, but that makes it easier to see animals. Birds especially. Today we saw impala, baboon, giraffe, warthog, ginifoul, red horned hornbill and many other birds that I can't recall the names of. Elephants at a distance. And tonight we saw as many as ten hippo crossing the Zambizi River between Zambia and Zimbabwe. As amazing as it has been just in the first day, it seems like we've only scratched the surface.

05 August 2015

Travel Day

Flight one of three is complete. Awaiting our longest flight (15 hours) from JFK to Johannesburg, South Africa. Can't believe that when we step off the plane it will be a day later and we'll be one more short hop away from our first location.  

21 May 2015

I'm going BACK!

In August 2015, I'll be headed back to Africa. Not South Africa this time but Southern Africa so I'm not going to bother to change the name of the blog. Looking back at my old posts from the last trip is getting me even more excited about going. We'll be traveling to Zimbabwe and Botswana this time. I wont' have to do any of the driving, which is actually a little sad - I loved driving on the "wrong" side of the road - but that means more pictures.

I don't have a lot of links or information yet, but I'll be sure to make updates once I can plot out a map and maybe provide some links to where we are staying.