10 August 2015

Camelthorn Lodge

We arrived at Camelthorn last night. Spent most of the day traveling but a lot of it was through parks so lots of great scenery. The drive into Camelthorn at Hwange was pretty bumpy. We were flying, assuming so that the driver could get back to the main road, which just about rattled our teeth out of our heads. 

This location is very beautiful, but in a much different way than Zambizi Sans. You are really out there. As you walk the path to our cabin you look out and there is the park. As you might have guessed from the elephant post this morning. Ther are guards to keep us safe though, so no worries. 

Today had been spectacular. Some large herds this morning. Cape buffalo and wildabeast. Some elephant and zebra as well. A secretary bird too. Really neat looking. Finally got a great shot of some Kudu too. They are so jumpy. I've been wanting a pic since my last visit. 

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