29 May 2007

Cape Town

So this is our second day in Cape Town. I've really just walked around a bit and done some shopping, both last night and early this morning. There are all kinds of vendors that you can bargan with on prices for things. I decided to take a low key day, but many of my other companions are out doing tours of the area, Kate and Anne even decided to leave early this morning for a shark dive! They put a cage in the water a the surface, so you can go down in the water or get out whenever you want, but it's great white season just off the coast, so I'm excited to hear how it went for them. Tomorrow we are either going to hike Table Mountain or Lion's Head. Both I can see from windows of our lodge, and both look like they will give great views of the entire area. There are several beaches, points, and bays in and around Cape Town. Don't think it's going to be warm enough for the beach, but the hike tomorrow and then dinner at Momma Africa should be great. I think I'm going to try a Kudu steak! If I can get some good pictures tomorrow I'll see what I can do about posting them. We have tomorrow here and then part of Thursday as well, as our flight doesn't leave until the evening. Can't believe it's almost time to come home!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I can't believe you didn't go for the shark dive!!!!!! Enjoy the Kudu, and have a safe trip home!