24 May 2007

Look kids, Big Ben!

It's been over a week since I've been in London, but I've been wanting to write that :o)

Thanks for all the comments people are leaving. I'm having fun reading them. This is only the second chance I've had to get on a computer, but I hear that from here on out most of the Backpackers will have internet available at them.

For anyone tracking the trip, we had to take a slight detour a few days ago. It's been abnormally cold for this type of year, and a few days ago certain areas of South Africa experienced the worst snow they've had in 40 years. That might not be much by our standards, but it was enough to snow in and close the roads to Hogsback. So instead we had to detour and stay in Cradock instead, which worked out nicely as it gave us more time at the Addo elephant park. We saw kudo, zebra, elephants, jackel, and ostridge. Sorry Kathrine, no lions, and I haven't run across any giraffe Kylie, but I'm on the look out.

There should be two pictures below. One is from Melealea and the other is today, from Plettenburg Bay on the Indian Ocean. If you click for the larger version you should be able to see the warm(ish) sandy beaches, crazy surf, and snow in the mountains. All my good creature pictures are on the bigger camera, so I'll share those when I get home!


Ryan said...

That's the best South African snowman I've ever seen!

Allison said...

Hahahha .. it's actually super tiny and on top of one of our cars. We build a few others, but we only had about a 1/4 of an inch to work with. It had surprising staying power though, probably traveled about 20 kilometers with us before falling off.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.