24 May 2007


A few little things I forgot to post that I thought I'd add before going to bed (and yes I'm a computer junkie and very ashamed).

So I got my first and only creature scare so far from a very large spider on our wall at Mount Morrosi. There was no electricity there, so we came in to the hut in the dark and Hazel's headlamp trained right on the spider. I had a mild meltdown and didn't sleep much that night. Spiders live in the thatch and I was scare of more coming. I managed to do better the next night though.

I saw that Ryan mentioned that Melealea was at 6000 ft, well Mount Morrosi is around 7000 and there are crazy mountain ranges all around. Looks just like the string of beacons on Lord of the Rings. Got some pictures at the top of a hike. Hope they come out.

Tomato chips are my new favorites, especially the ones at Melealea. They taste like ketchup, which sounds super weird but trust me, very addictive.

The South African Rand has some very neat looking money. Much better than our boring green stuff Ryan :o)

That's all for now. Think I'm caught up for the most part. I'll check in with more in a day or so. Bye for now!

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