28 May 2007


Not a whole lot to report from wine country. Stellenbosch is a neat college town, but pretty quiet on a Sunday. It was nice to walk around, and there were a few shops open. A few of us wandered down this morning before heading out, and it was much more lively. Since the vinards were closed when we arrived Sunday night, we visited one this morning. It was established in 1696. They gave us a brief tour and then we were able to taste some wines. Apparently this winery was the first to create the Pinotage grape, which is a hybrid grape, not a blend. Their's was good, but I think I liked the R24 bottle I bought in the grocery store better :o) That's a whole $4 for those of you keeping track. Much more impressive than the wine was the rest of the grounds, which comprised of an extensive hotel and spa. Probably more expensive than anything I could ever afford, but it sure was nice looking around. I have a few pictures but the computer here doesn't seem to like my USB stick, so I'll have to add them to the post later. Might not be until I get back.

After the winery, we made for Cape Town, which is where I'm writing from tonight. No more driving for Allison! Yeah. I figured I'd wait, for sake of my father's blood pressure, to mention that I've actually driven across Africa. There was another traveller listed to drive my car, but he got wigged out and left after two days. So I've been doing all the driving for the second car. Hahah. Other side of the road, other side of the car. Was pretty easy though. Glad to be done with it though.

That's all my internet time for tonight. Bye!

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