30 May 2007

Lion's Head

I went for a hike in the clouds today, litterally. Lion's Head over looks Cape Town and the surrounding area, and usually provides a great 360 degree view. Today however it was covered in clouds, and visibility was about 20-30 ft, but we hiked it anyway! At one point there was a shortcut where you have to hold on to chains to get up. The top was pretty crazy, this one flat area and when you looked out all you could see was white. We actually did get a chance at a great view on the way down, of Camps Bay and some beaches, as well as the other side of Table Mountain. I have some pictures that I'll be able to share later.

This evening we went out for dinner at a place called Momma Africa, which I think I mentioned earlier. It was great. There was an African music band there (I'll have to work on a better descripter after I talk to Harlan), they were playing marimbas, sax, and congo drums. We all had really good meals. It was a fun and exciting way to spend our last evening here in Cape Town. We'll have a little time around town tomorrow before catching our plane, but this is pretty much it! Can't wait to see you all when I get back to the States. I'll be posting some more pictures once I get home as well, so check back in over the next week or so.

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