12 May 2007

First Post!

While I'm setting up this trip blog I decided I needed a test posting to start out with. Martha, one of our trip leaders, sent us some great pictures awhile back. Here are a few to check out, and hopefully some sights I'll be seeing very soon. Click on the picture for a bigger image.


Bob said...

Have a wonderful trip. Dont worry about a thing at home...except comming back to us in three weeks. Will be excited to get your updates. You are the greatest and deserve a fantastic trip. The Map and trip itinery are fantastic. Wish I was going with you....

Anonymous said...

hey there alli-
Hope that you arrive safe and sound. I agree with bob- you are the greatest and deserve a good trip.. like i said earlier don't let the giraffe eat you cause it might try. I bet all the other bloggers think i am strange but they don't know me like you do so you know how i am. Bring me home something cool

Anonymous said...

Hi Al,

We love the map of your trip - very cool. We're very excited to be able to see some of your photos and hear how the trip is going! Travel safe and have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Hey all
Do you realize that Alli is going to share the driving of a 12 passenger van during the trip. (cause she is one of the elders) Steering wheel on the right hand side...drive on the left hand side of the road...and if you zoom in on the map you will see that there are plenty of Mountains to drive along and up and on....without guardrails....yikes!! Hope you keep your window open so if your tire goes off the edge you can jump out!...be Safe!!!

Anonymous said...

Alli, Did you go on the big ferris wheel in London? Can't wait to know that you are there! Love, Mom

Ryan said...

Are you there yet, are you there yet? The Malealea lodge looks fantastic; tell us the details. Don't keep us in suspense! Hope the trip over went well.

Anonymous said...

Okay girl, are you just having too much fun? Hope you are! love mom