20 May 2007


Lumela (pronounced Dumela) is hello in the native language of Lesotho. Sorry it's been so long until my first post. We traveled for a about three days (spent tuesday in London) and then were in the mountains for awhile. We are passing through Mafatang today on our way to a second lodge in Lesotho. We'll be there for a few days and then we make our way into South Africa, where I should be able to make posts more often. We've seen quite a few neat things so far. The mountainous country is very beautiful and the people are welcoming. We've taken many hikes, visited a school and a clinic, and met many travelers. Everyone is healthy, safe, and happy, including me :o) I hope to post some pictures of my travels in my next post. Love to you all!


Mike said...

Glad to hear you're safe and sound! Just make sure you stay that way for the entire trip! :-) Don't forget your BSB shopping list ;-)

Bob said...

Hello my adventurious Daughter. I'm glad you are well and happy. It's been almost a week and you've only writtten one e-mail and do not have a cell phone....You must have techno-withdraw-syndrom by now. TWS could be fatal if not treated with a serious dose of e-mailing your friends and family. So keep us posted. Can you sign us up for this trip you are on for next year? ...Can't wait to see your photos!!..Love you!

Anonymous said...

You go, Cool Gray 8! Hope your trip continues to be safe and a blast.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that all is well. Teachers here at school are blown away by the pictures at the websites. They can't believe how beautiful everything is. Have fun. Love mom

Ryan said...

Wow, I just plugged the GPS coordinates of the Malealea lodge into Google Earth, and the terrain looks very cool from 6000ft up! Check it out:
Bird's Eye View

a.k.a "comment deleted"