26 May 2007


We visited an ostrich farm today. The farm was kinda interesting, although a bit more toursity than ones Harlan has seen in the past. We got a bit of history of the place, went into a pen with some ostriches, saw some babies, and a random emu. We then had a chance to ride an ostrich. Those of you that are Swiss Family Robinson fans know that I couldn't pass that up. The second picture below is blurry but it does show me riding the ostrich. The other one was where we could sit on one that couldn't move much. His neck was very very soft and he seemed to like it when people pet him.

Of course after riding an ostrich we had to eat one, which is what I just finished doing. Really really good. Not white meat, which is what one would expect from a bird, but deep purply meat. Definitely would be a tough contender against tenderloin back home. Oh, and a yummy drink I've discovered is Amarula, which is made from a local fruit, Marula. I've been told it can be found back in the States, although I might just bring some back with me. To me it tastes like strawberries and cream, but other people say it tastes a lot like Kahlua. Off to wine country tomorrow, so more yummy beverages are yet to come!


Anonymous said...

You look good on that animial....did the pirates attack after you rode the ostridge....so the meat was good, eh? Enjoy wine country and send me a case of something good. Dad wants to know if you found the carved ostridge eggs? Take care....Love, Mom

Ryan said...

That's hilarious! How far did you ride the ostrich? That long neck looks very fragile, but I'm sure it's really strong and muscular.

The beach at Cape Seal looks beautiful! Nice and clean.

Have a good time in wine country, and eat some grapes!

Anonymous said...

This is my first blog experience, Allison. Thanks for making this possible.

Okay, so my big questions are: What type of wine would you recommend when the entree is ostrich? Also, can we expect an "Amarula Party" at your place, or your folks' place, after you return to the states? I hope so!

Take care, Allison...

Brenda M.