25 May 2007

Plettenburg Bay

Today we hiked out on Cape Seal, which is the peninsula that completes Plettenburg Bay. All sides of the hike were very unique. The North shore had high cliffs and views of the bay. The East end was very rocky, almost like the coast of Maine, with seals playing in the high surf. The South shore are where the pictures are from. The first one shows a beach area, where Harlan and I took a swim in the Indian Ocean. The second picture looks back at that beach (far) and another beach (near), which was a view we had near the end of our hike. It still wasn't super warm, about 65 today, and breezy, but it was decent weather for the hike, just a little chilly for a swim :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are safe, sound, and having fun! Seems like your trip has been amazing so far! Any ostridge riding yet? Make sure you get some pictures if you do :)
PS: No baby yet.